
Interview - Jason Brown at Toronto Cricket Club

Jason: Exactly. The fact that I left my costumes in Croatia and six weeks later realized. Like, had no idea, didn’t even while I was unpacking, didn’t think about it.

Kite: Do you think it affected your focus at all, going into Nationals?

Jason: No. I think at the beginning, it kind of freaked me out, just because I didn’t know what I was going to wear. But once I kind of had an outfit and practiced in something different, I felt more relaxed. It really wasn’t until I had a backup that I started to relax. And Tracy being so calm about the whole situation. [Kite: They’ve probably seen it before.] [Everyone Laughs] Yeah, they were like “Oh my God we’ve been through this with Javi, [Javier Fernández] [Kite and Gabb laugh.] Um, Jason, this is nothing,” and I was like “Okay.”

Interview - Tracy Wilson, Coach at Toronto Cricket Club

Tracy: I don’t know, I have no idea what my reputation is, but I’m pretty tough in terms of training because I think we’re so limited by what we think we can do. And, I literally, I mean, I commentated Rugby at the Olympics in Brazil in Rio, and I watched what those Rugby players deal with and how tired they get and they have to go and hit somebody and get hit. And I literally skated after Yuzu and said “Have you seen your Japanese Rugby team?” and he looked at me, and I said “Come on! You’re not going to be hit, and nobody's going to hit you! Come on, you’re not that tired.” [Laughter]