Lae: As you may be able to tell - this is part 3 of our Worlds coverage for this year in Stockholm [Sweden.] In this, we will mostly be focusing on the organization of the competition itself - this has obviously been a running theme of In The Loop's coverage of this competitive season and, sadly, we're going to be revisiting a lot of the themes we've already discussed across all of our episodes this season.
Episode 51: 20/21 Grand Prix Series and the Pandemic - Transcript
Ravings from the Rink: NHK Trophy 2019
Episode 37 - Autumn Classic International, Lombardia Trophy, US Classic and Nepela Memorial - Transcript
Gina: It is also quite demanding to go up to Seniors because a lot of Juniors will see that as an opportunity to improve their technical content, but they do also have to get out of the habit of being "Junior-ish" in their presentation. I think that would be a good reason to keep a program, so that you can mature it.
Lae: Like cheese. [Hosts laugh].
Karly: A good program is like cheese.
Lae: Yes, it needs time and loving care.
Bonus: Banners, Flower Crowns and Figure Skating - Transcript
Lae: So, all we've touched on so far have talked about banners that have been professionally printed and designed digitally, but do we have any advice on making handmade banners, such as what materials to use or is printing kind of the go-to?
Gabb: I use printed just because I have a degree for it. It's easier for me, I know how to work with printers. But you can easily just make handheld banners yourself using paper.
Kat: [laughs] Lae sitting outside the rink at ACI drawing Yuzu and Wakaba banners!
Becs: The 4am Wakaba banner sketching session!
Lae: Yeah, from experience, you can just buy an A3 size piece of card and buy some gold stickers and a permanent marker. Honestly, it's just the thinking and it's the design that goes into it.
Kat: It's the thought that counts!
Episode 35: Photography and Figure Skating (feat. Interview with Joosep Martinson) - Transcript
Becs: Good costumes are such a draw in terms of just being like "Yes yes you are worthy!"
Gabb: Especially if they're sparkly!
Becs: Yes sparkles please!
Kat: Aka Ice Dance ladies.[Gabb: Yes!] 90% of the time deliver with their costumes.
Becs: Yes. One thing that is so beautiful about picking who you're going to photograph is ah Ice Dance ladies and ladies in general show up looking usually fabulous most practices even so...
Kat: And then you have the men with like 80% black costumes or monochrome.
Becs: Yeah it's tragic, it's a tragic contrast.
Episode 27: A Look Into SafeSport And The John Coughlin Case - Transcript
Lae: The purpose of this episode was to really try to have an in-depth look, a hopefully objective look, at the way this entire situation panned out and give a bit of background understanding based on research that we've done on both SafeSport, the response and the issues that have arisen out of this really unfortunate and tragic series of situations.