
Episode 3: Rule Changes for the 2018/19 Season - Transcript

Gina: Didn’t they agree that words spoken with cadence does actually count as music? (Tilda: Definitely.) So skaters could still skate to slam poetry.

Red: I wanna see Nathan do that. I wanna see Nathan do that, because I could see him writing his own rap or slam poetry and then skating to it.

Tilda: Maxim Kovtun could skate to his own hip hop. Make it happen!

Episode 1: Media Accessibility - Transcript

Evie: Hello everyone! So this is the first episode of the podcast - exciting things! We’ve been talking about doing this for a while, and now it’s finally happening.

Karly: We’re very excited.

Lae: Yeah, and I think the reason why we started it was also, you know, increasing the accessibility of figure skating to new fans and old fans and also kind of offering an alternative perspective to the voices that already exist.

Evie: Definitely.

Tilda: Exactly, and more international perspective as well because we’re from several different countries here!

Lae: As you may be able to tell from all our amazing and possibly confusing accents.

Karly: There are a lot of accents.